Thursday, August 20, 2009


Maybe I can blame this last round on school starting back up, but really, I get a few days (or nights?) of insomnia every month or so. I fall asleep okay and then I wake up sometime between 2 and 3:30 and can't get back to sleep. This morning, while I was wandering around the house by myself, I came up with my "Top 5 Worst Things About Insomnia" and my "Top 5 Best Things About Insomnia". I figured I should try to find the silver lining, right?

Here goes:

Top 5 WORST:
1. Everyone else is asleep and I'm awake all by myself
2. "Sleep odors" I encounter as I stumble down the hall
3. Achy eyeballs
4. Finally feeling drowsy about the time the alarm goes off
5. Vacuuming, which would be a good use of my time, isn't really a good idea

Top 5 BEST:
1. Peeking in at my kids and husband sleeping. Even Troy looks sweet and innocent. :)
2. Overwhelming gratitude for those same kids and husband-gratitude that we're all here together, we're all safe and healthy, and we can be together forever. Just. . . gratitude.
3. Sensing the world wake up outside: watching the sky lighten, listening to the traffic increase.
4. Housework done sooner in the day, so more time to play later!
5. Time to think up crazy posts for my poor neglected blog