Monday, December 8, 2008

Hooray for Julie!

Have you noticed that my blog doesn't look so much like a 4 year old is in charge of it now? That's all thanks to my good buddy Julie Blanchard, exercise friend and blogger extraordinaire! She even showed me how to put the cute little reindeer on- I love how he floats around. Of course, in a few weeks I'll have to figure out how to make him go away, but for now I'm happy.
And while I'm on the subject of happy things, here are some more:
1)Troy and I are going tonight to my work Christmas party at La Caille.
2) I'm just about done with Christmas shopping and even with the wrapping.
3) I get to go to the MoTab concert on Thursday with my mom.
4) My Lara has complete faith in Santa's ability to provide her with a toy which Mom can't locate in any store or online. I hope he can do it! :)
5)Maddie's Musical Express performances start this week- all of her hard work finally paying off! And she did a great job at her piano recital last week.
6)Kelson has a new hedgehog named Lucy that entertains us all.
7)My hubby and I have been watching a TV series that we love based on the Sharpe books by Bernard Cornwell. We are so excited when there's a new Netflix envelope in the mail.
8)It's snowing today!


Jules said...

Karyn, you make me sound awesome! Thank you for your nice words. I will be glad to help you with the reindeer removal when the time comes. Your blog looks cute!!!

Kristy said...

Cute new diggs!...and seriously...snow a happy thing? Oh sister. Do you not remember last year and the mountains of snow that WOULDN'T DISAPPEAR! But then again, you're talking to the girl that wants to move back to Monterey, so I guess snow isn't really one of my "happy" points.

I'm sad I couldn't see the reindeer. I feel jipped!

Tammy said...

I hear you on the can't find the toy anywhere :) We are having some difficulty with a few items as well ;)lol. Your blog does look very cool.