Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Facebook addiction/Gustafson Day/When is "Twilight" going to go away?

I know it's been a while since I posted here. And the main reason for that is, I am addicted to Facebook. When I'm at work, I just have a Facebook window open all day, just so I can instantly see when any of my friends have decided to take a nap or clean their houses or rant and rave. It's instant gratification. I've noticed how crucial knowing these things about people to whom I have not spoken in 20 years has suddenly become, whereas a month ago I had no idea where they were and what they were up to and I didn't really care to know.
Last Saturday we had Gustafson Day. I love that we made up our own holiday. It's so fun to wear tacky homemade t-shirts all over the place and do goofy things together. Breeanne and Averie weren't able to come (we were all sad about that) but we had fun anyway.
We went to breakfast then over to Lara's first basketball game. She was a little nervous about being on the court with nine other little girls, 2 coaches, a teenage referee, and a fast moving basketball. Most of the time, she looked pretty terrified and hung out around the midcourt line as far from the action as she could get. She likes practice, though, so we're hopeful that she'll get more comfortable by the end of the season.
After the game, we headed up to the District to see Madagascar 2. I never saw the first one, although apparently we have it on DVD. I thought this one was alright for a kids' show. Even though we stuffed ourselves with popcorn in the movie, we were able to manage lunch at Red Robin. We hit the grocery store and PayLess and then home. I'll post some pictures when I have my camera with me so you can share in all our fun.
Ok, finally- Twilight! What the heck is going on with this book/movie? I read the book and it was okay, but all the time I kept thinking, why doesn't he just bite her and get it over with? I am amazed at how many of my normally sane friends have gone bonkers over this series. He is a VAMPIRE, guys. And FICTIONAL. I wasn't interested enough after the first book to read any more, but I'm glad so many people have enjoyed it. But please, enough with the craziness already!


Tammy said...

How can you say that about twilight? Cora and I have read all of them. I will admit that I wanted to smack around Bella in the first book. Too much teen angst and wishy washy. The series all together is very good in my opinion. Cora and I plan to see the movie too.

Kristy said...

Oh Karyn. The blaspheme. :o) I HAVE my tickets to see Twilight and I'm way excited.

Although I do have to admit that there are some way overboard people about the whole thing. My cousin being one of them.

Get this...she and a bunch of her friends went to Forks, WA for Stephanie Meyer weekend. They toured the high school and the indian reservation and the forest, etc.

And she and a bunch of her friends have planned a big party at The District at midnight the morning that it comes out. They've rented 2 full theaters. Can you imagine?



I don't like it that much.

All though I am reading The Host right now and having a hard time putting it down.

I might have to check out facebook. I keep hearing how fun it is.

Jules said...

I think you are just fine to feel that way. I'm pretty tired of hearing about Twilight too. Being a fan of the series myself, I prefer to leave it at that. I may even wait tor Twilight the movie to come out on video to see it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

On a lighter note, Gustafson Day sounded fun! That is such a good idea.

Karyn said...

I didn't mean to offend anyone. :) I think it's great that so many people have liked this book series; I just can't believe how overboard some people are.

Alicia said...

I love the idea of having your own family holiday! Might have to still that one! I'm with you on the Twilight thing, but I think it's fun to get a little crazy over something once in a while. I'm way too boring when my craziness of the moment is the free online quicken program I found!

Catherine said...

You have to read Eric Snider's Twilight screenplay. Remember him from BYU--he had the best column in the paper. Check this out:

Jason Steed said...

Hey Karyn,
Just wanted to drop by your blog and say a quick 'hello' -- thanks for the comment on my "gay marriage" post. Of course you can forward it on to anyone you please -- and of course I know who you are! :)

Hope all's well!